Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Days 8, 9, and 10

Greetings readers,

Again, there is a delay between posts.  These last few nights, I have been simply too tired to post at the end of the day.  This disase is sapping my strength.  I give myself perhaps a few weeks before I will not be able to live independently anymore.

When that happens, since I cannot afford to stay in a hospital, I have no idea what is going to happen.  What I want to happen, is for me to simply stay in my apartment, and still be able to accomplish my goal each day with the help of R, who has already agreed to this.

God bless R, she really is the best friend that I can have.  She is so willing to simply put her own life on hold in order to help me with my issues.

So, in these last few days, I have been busy with my goal.

On Sunday, I accompanied R to her church.  I have never been a church going person, and believe me when I say that there is no deathbed conversion coming.  But she has been trying to get me to ccome to church for weeks now, so today I relented.

Honestly, her church was not quite what I expected.  Rather than being a bunch of people, stuffed in some hot and stuffy room on uncomfortable pews, it was rather different.

Sure there were a lot of people there, but I never even made it into the main room for service.  No, I got dragged down into the basement by R, who took me into the room where the younger children have bible study/day-care during the service.

It was in this room that, as the newcomer, I was immediately surrounded by about 20 young kids, who all started asking me questions.  As it turns out, R is the person who supervises these kids.

For an hour, I sat in a chair that is way to small for me, at a table that my legs do not fit under, and interacted with these kids.

Honestly, seeing them smile and laugh and have fun, it made me think.  Is ignorance bliss?  Or am I simply misreading things.

Either way, I had fun for an hour, talking with and interacting with the kids.  Making them laugh, making them smile.

Monday, things were a little different.  I decided that today, I was going to go to my local movie theater, one of them at least.

I got to the theater in the evening, about 30 minutes before a popular movie was going to start.  I went in and up to the ticket counter.  There, I bought 25 tickets to the movie.

I do not know if any of you, readers, have seen people standing outside a movie theater, trying to scalp tickets to a sold out show for a large price, but my plan was along those lines.

No, I did not sell the tickets.  Instead, I stood outside the movie theater, and gave away all of the tickets, free.

To say that people were surprised, about sums it up.  Some people thought I was selling the tickets, others simply took a ticket or two and left.  The ones that I was doing this for, were the ones who stopped and talked to me.  Who wondered why I was doing this.

The answer that they got was most likely not the one they were expecting, but it is the one that I gave.  I told them that I was doing this because I had lost a bet to a friend of mine.

Perhaps people thought that this was a stupid way to go about doing this, but people smiled and were genuinely happy that I was being so nice to them.  At least, the ones who were not suspicious of me and my motives.

Today, Tuesday, I had to accomplish my goal early, because I had plans for the night.

Around just after lunch, I paid a visit to the local branch of the Humane Society.

There, I started my shift as a volunteer.

Now some of you might think that this does not accomplish my daily goal, which is to make at least one person smile each day.  I disagree.  Not only do the people who actually work at the Humane Society, appreciate all of the work that they can get, the animals need the work as well.

I have always been a cat person, so I had volunteered to work with the cats.  For several hours, I worked with the cats, simply being in the room, working with them, getting them some people contact.

At one point, I was sitting on the floor, with about 9 cats surrounding me, when a prospective adopter came in.  Naturally, not only did the Humane Society worker who was showing them around, and the adopter herself came to a halt.

Somewhere underneath that pile of fur was a person, namely me.  Eventally, the adopter started to laugh, and asked me to show her some of the cats.

I talked to her for a while, surrounded by cats.  She evenually picked out a tabby cat to adopt.

After I got done with volunteering, I went back to my apartment and quickly showered and changed my clothes, before heading out on a date.

I am going to be honest, I can count the number of dates I have had before using only two hands, and not all of my fingers.  And I am not sure that all of them actually count as dates.

If you have not guessed, the date was with R.  We met and had dinner, and just talked at the table for a long time.  It was probably one of the best times I have had in a long while.  It felt good to just forget about my disease, to forget about everything for a while, and simply focus on the person in front of me.

After dinner, we got some ice cream and took it back to my apartment, where we sat on my deck and continued to talk.  She left a short while ago, right before I started writing this.

So, that wraps up my last few days.  And now, I can feel sleep wanting to overtake me.

Until next time,

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