Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 1

Hello again,

So, on this, the first day of my new life.  Things got off to a bit of a rocky start.

I had forgotten just how suspicious people are of random acts of kindness.  Take for instance, my first attempt at doing something nice to a person, to see if they would smile at me.

I went to the grocery store across the street from my apartment.  My original intention was to buy groceries, but as I was at the checkout line, behind me was an elderly lady, in one of the motorized shopping carts.  She did not have many groceries, just a few things.  As I was paying for my groceries, I handed the checkout woman an additional $40, and told her to use that to pay for the woman's groceries.  I collected my things and left the store.

As I was loading my groceries into the trunk of my car, the elderly woman approached me, walking with a cane.  Figuring she was only going to thank me, I turned towards her.  Boy, was I wrong on that.

She started questioning me, asking why I paid for her groceries.  Did she look like she could not afford her groceries?  Did I want something from her?  The questions came on and on.  Finally, I was able to let her know that I was simply trying to be nice.  I did not want anything from her in return, I just was attempting to do a good deed.

Once the woman understood that, she smiled, called me a nice, upstanding young man, and wished me a blessed day, before walking off with her cane.  I finished loading up my car and drove back to my apartment, where, after unloading my groceries, I sat to think about what I learned from doing this.

Apparently, people are suspicious when others try and be nice to them.  In order to accomplish my daily goal, I am going to need to be smarter about this, I think.

Oh well, I did accomplish my goal today, the woman did smile and she seemed happy, after some convincing.  I just think that I may need to "plan out" my acts of kindness a bit more, instead of the random factor that I was originally intending to go for.

Well, I believe that it is time for me to sign off, so good night readers.

Until next time,

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