Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 4

Greetings readers,

Today's post will be a bit shorter than the others.  Yes, I did accomplish my goal, but it was not in a way that I have been doing it in the past three days.

Today, I went to a church that I know of here in town.  They give out food every Wednesday to the homeless.  I had arranged previously to volunteer there, so I went and served food to the homeless.

I know that some of you are going to think that this is a cop-out, but still, it accomplishes my goal.

As I served each and every person who came up to me, I smiled at them and dished out their food.  Not many of them smiled back, but a few did.

What makes this day special, is that after I was done serving, I went among them and talked to as many of them as I could.  Never did anything special get mentioned, we simply discussed whatever random things came to mind.  As they ate, I talked to them.

It was here that I got more people to smile at me.  It was here that, even small, I knew that I was making a difference in someone's life.  For some of these homeless people, this is one of the few guaranteed meals that they will get each week.  These are people who are at the bottom of the hole, yet most of them can still find it in them to smile.  You just have to coax it out of them at times.

Working at the church, I found a sense of peace come over me.  Perhaps I shall make this something that I do every Wednesday.  Who knows...

For now, I shall continue with my life goal.  Already I can tell that the disease is starting to affect me.  I feel tired more than I should, and what happened yesterday, with pushing the car.  It was not a quirk.  I tested this out by moving around heavy boxes at the church.  It wore me out again, more than it would have before this disease.

It has now been just over 1 month since my diagnosis.  If the doctor was right, then I have just under 2 months left to live.  At this point, I have only 2 hopes.  1 is that I can continue to bring happiness to other people.  The other is that I am alive when it comes time for my 22nd birthday, in October.

Remember readers, life is short.  Do not waste it.

Until next time,

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